If a 16(almost 17) yr. old refuses to follow reasonable rules, can a parent kick them out.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
If a 16(almost 17) yr. old refuses to follow reasonable rules, can a parent kick them out.?
Fourteen answers:
2006-04-10 21:59:15 UTC
ur son sounds like my brother.. but he refused to go to school adn did drugs and brought them in the house..they only way he acculy got help was when he hit me and i pressed charges on him for hitting me while i was holding my son.. and he was sent to juvi for a yr. he just got out about a week ago and i dunno if it has helped but my mom was going to amancipate him and that is to make him a legal adult. so u don't have any more responiblitys..
2006-04-10 21:07:03 UTC
my parents went through the exact same thing with my brother, ,kicking him out will only make it worse and make him feel unwanted and that will make him rebel even more, he needs ur attention spend more time with him/family
2006-04-04 05:16:58 UTC
you cant legally kick him out unless you emanicpate him which is alot of money and will make him think that he can get away with he smoking weed or cigs thats the question now i think what you should do is making him take a drug test you can its your right and then if he comes up positive i think that the biggest wakeup call for a child is to 302 them into a psychiatric ward to get him clean and that is a wakeup call...if ju-v doesnt work maybe that will or you could have cops take him to real jail and let him see how those prisioners deal with everyday life and tell him he is going there i know you love him but those are the only things you can do good luck
2006-04-04 04:58:45 UTC
I'm a teenager and i never been in that position but no teenager does believe me i don't have any kids but i do have a nephew -if you want a child to obey u and listen to u , u have to let them know that u r not playing, your son must not have any respect for u if he is smoking in your house kick his azz out , then send him to boot camp and if he still don't get it by then take away everything like the TV, cellphone, house phone, computer take it all, if that don't help make him work to stay let him clean the whole house for him to continue to live there, if that doesn't work maybe there is something bothering him to make him act like this take him to a counselor let them talk and work his problems out then see if that improves him i am very strick aunt my nephew loves me i just want to see him do right not wrong!!!!!!!
happily married
2006-04-04 03:35:57 UTC
sorry to hear that but definantly he's you sole responsibility...but i strongly suggest you send him to boarding school, military or some rehabilitation center for youths...i understand that its really hard for us mothers to let go of our children even if they misbehave but sometimes we go to do something beyond our limit to discipline them for the betterment in the future...if not then trying sending to stay with relatives abroad...change of scenery and environment might help solve the problem...cheers...
2006-04-04 03:22:19 UTC
be careful, my son left home at 17 went to live with his grandmother after she brainwashed him, they sued me for custody & child support.... and won!!!!!!!!
2006-04-04 02:40:33 UTC
You may turn over custody to DFACS. They will try to compel you not to do this b/c he will be put out on his own at his age. I know b/c I wasn't the best kid and my mom wanted to do this to me. Have an unbiased opinion before making any decisions maybe a counselor specializing in adolescent misbehavior. Just a thought, there were reasons I acted out my mom just didn't see them. Now I am 24 and a parent and I wish she just would have looked a little closer and to try to love a little harder. But I understand her view point, why keep loving if some one does so much damage and wrong? But, as for me, the parent I want to be is the one that never gives up. Good Luck Email me if there is anything else that I can try to assist you with.
2006-04-04 02:40:08 UTC
oh hell yeah kick him to boot camp or something not actually on the streets or maybe you should just to scare them a little
2006-04-04 02:39:50 UTC
Kicking out...that's scary. I have a 16 yr. old boy too, and I don't think I could sleep at night if I didn't know where he was. Have you tried everything else? How about positive rewards for good stuff? Has he done anything good lately? Anything good that you could focus on? I know my son starts to feel like I am extremely hard on him and all I do is NAG. It's starts feeling like all I do is complain sometimes, and I forget that this is the kid I love more than anything in the whole world! How about talking to his school counselor? I think you need some more support. Kicking him out is could lose him forever, and that's too scary.
2006-04-10 10:02:25 UTC
i can relate to your son i was like that i used to do ALl kinds of things steal all the time do drugs and drink like cheat skip school my mother felt the same way about me but she never kicked me out i was sent away to boot camp and that still didnt help what helped me, i think was, when i got a job i became more mature i earned my own money so i had no reason to steal after a while i just decided to stop smoking weed because i grew out of it it just got old then i realized everything u do comes back to you so i stoped doing bad things and life is better i think counseling wont help cause it didnt help me he needs to learn for himself and hopefully he will
2006-04-04 02:35:39 UTC
No, you can't really kick them out...they are your responsibility until they are 18. I suggest you send him to military school/camp, or boarding school to straighten him out. Good luck. I'm sorry about all the trouble you're having to deal with!

I'm a 15 year old, and I can't imagine acting like that. Perhaps try getting him a therapist? They might be able to talk to him...maybe he's suppressing a great deal of anger or stress regarding school or work or some people he knows.

Good luck!
2006-04-04 02:36:15 UTC
Ship him off to boarding school. If you kick him out, he'll probably end up a lot worse later on in life. Sounds like a rough situation but don't take anymore crap from him. I know he's your kid, but jeez. What a punk.
☺ . CIEL . ☺
2006-04-04 02:39:21 UTC
Take away ALL luxury items he has...(Internet access, cell phone, phone, TV, radio, and CASH) .....Since he isn't working to earn those things, he should not feel entitled to have them, especially the cash.

He is pushing the boundaries as far as he can, although most kids don't always make it their job (but some kids feel compelled to). .....You may want to get in to counseling with him (BOTH of you .. as a family). .....There may be some underlying reason(s) why he's doing this.

Best of everything!
2006-04-04 02:37:14 UTC
Even if they are exasperating, I don't think you should give up on your child.

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