I absolutely adore the month of May, and it's one of the most inspiring times of the year for me as an artist because it's so filled with vibrant color, light and beauty. Tulips are in bloom, and so are the jacaranda trees that rain down purple petals all over the streets. It's the month of possibility. Summer is within reach, and the days are longer and the weather is often delightful. There aren't as many grand holidays in America then, but there are some festive ones. My school has a fantastic day of celebration on the first with May Day. The senior girls and their fathers build an enormous maypole in the front of the school, and the sixth graders to the traditional dance around it, and it's really charming. The entire student body and our parents participate, and there's singing, an art festival, and a luncheon, and it's one of my favorite, most-anticipated days of the years. Many other schools and groups celebrate May Day. This was our Maypole: http://s353.photobucket.com/albums/r375/SkylarkMelody/School/?action=view¤t=17258_241696052727_238502732727_314.jpg
May first is also Labor Day, and in many areas in Europe and South America there are organization protests and gatherings, and even intense riots and backlash against mega corporations like McDonalds. In London they even close some of the Micky D branches because there is so much vandalism on that day, and statues are covered up to protect them from graffiti. We used to live in London, and would tread carefully on that day because of all the angst in the air.
My absolute favorite May celebration is Queen's Day in the Netherlands. People from all over the world flock there during the first few days of May when many of the streets become pedestrian only zones with beer stalls and carnival rides, and everywhere you turn people dressed in the national color of orange larking around having fun. It's a surreal, amazing experience.
May 5th is Cinco de Mayo, and in Southern California where I live it's a full-on holiday everyone I know participates in happily.
Mother's Day is celebrated in May in many countries, and though it's a bit of a Hallmark holiday, it's still enjoyable to me. The end of the month is Memorial Day with the long weekend and commemorative services, barbecues and parties.
Nearly every weekend in May there are dance competitions, and throughout the month there are art and musical festivals. So, for me, it's one of the most memorable, charming and happy months of the year. January is probably my least favorite month because we often have heavy rain showers and chaotic weather, and beyond New Year's there aren't that many holidays. It's nose-to-grind time in most places when everyone is back to school or work.
~ Peace